Street Outreach & Drop-In Center

Since 1994, Youth Continuum has operated the only homeless youth drop-in and intervention/treatment center in the region with targeted street and community outreach.

Youth who come to the Drop-In Center are assessed by our Youth Navigators for housing eligibility while every effort is made to divert them from the homeless system whenever possible. A full range of gateway services are provided including emergency food and clothing, hygiene and parenting supplies, shower and laundry facilities, and access to a computer lab to remain connected to friends and family while also having the ability to search and apply for jobs online and continue educational pursuits.

Mental health and substance abuse counseling as well as intensive case management are available at no cost to youth. Each year, we see over 200 newly identified youth who are either homeless or unstably housed, as well as a wide range of other populations of youth including those with mental health and/or substance abuse issues, teen/young-adult parents, youth suffering from domestic violence, and LGBTQ youth.

Our Drop-In Center is equipped with resources to support you and help you thrive. 

Education Support
We work with you to help you create and achieve your education goals. We can help you identify short-term and long-term objectives, enroll or apply for schools, and/or set up daycare if needed.

Employment Support
We assist you with identifying your skills and experience, creating your resume, learning and practicing interview skills, and choosing attire for job interviews. There is a job board that we update weekly where we post the most recent local job opportunities.

Computer Lab
Use one of our desktop computers to set up or check email, search for job opportunities, apply for jobs or schools, complete schoolwork, print pay stubs, and more. Free access to a fax machine and copier is also available.

Community Kitchen and Food Share
Kitchen and food are free for all of our clients!

Laundry Services
We have washer and dryer access for all our clients. To use our laundry services, call us to schedule a time to come in to ensure there are machines available. We will help you coordinate your schedule, and you can hang out with other youth and staff while you wait for your laundry to be done!

Clothing Closet
Our clothing closet is free for all our clients for you to borrow and wash or keep our available clothing if you need it.

Sexual Health Services
We have free contraceptives on site and offer free sexual health support if you need it.

To learn more about our Street Outreach Program and Drop In Center, please Call or Text (203) 464-2722

Clinical & Case Management Support

For youth and families requiring unique supports to manage problematic psychiatric and behavioral issues, Youth Continuum provides credentialed clinical and case management support, co-located at our homeless youth Drop-In Center. Provided at no cost to clients, Youth Continuum’s clinical and case management staff accept self-referrals as well as through area courts and other community provider agencies.

Victims of Domestic Trafficking Program

The Domestic Victims of Human Trafficking Program works with youth aged 12-24 (all genders) who are victims of labor and sex trafficking within the United States.  This program offers intensive, non-judgemental, trauma-focused case management and supports, creating vital linkages for victims to meet their basic and complex needs.  The team works to identify victims through community and law enforcement partnerships, while also outreaching on the ground and connecting with schools.  We offer flexible transition funds to each youth as a path to stability that meets their individual needs and situation.  All services are free of charge to the youth.  Referrals come from law enforcement, probation/parole, DCF, community partners, etc., in addition to walk-in/self referrals.